Working from home is incredibly common, but is your home-based work space little more than a laptop computer positioned on your dining table or even on your lap as you lounge on the bed? Designating a specific, physical work space – no matter the size of your home – is very important. Not only does it increase productivity, is also allows your brain to switch between “work from home” and “live at home”. And a beautiful work space can enhance mood and increase productivity, too.
Many across the globe have been striving to create work from home spaces in recent months. With a few simple steps and a few clever tips and tricks, you can enjoy a work from home space that is functional, beautiful and customized to your needs. Whether you have an entire room in your home that can be set aside for work, or you are using a corner of a living room, bedroom or dining area, having a dedicated work from home space can help you separate work tasks from home activities and provide some boundaries between the two.
Carve out space: Some homes are large enough to include at least one home office or work from home space. Some living, sleeping or dining areas feature built in desks or spaces that can house a computer, paperwork and needed supplies. But what if your home doesn’t have a dedicated home office or work nook? With a little creativity, you can create a beautiful, inspirational and useful space to take care of business. Take a careful look at the rooms in your home. Can you shift furniture to create a sheltered nook or quiet corner that can house a small desk or even a folding table where you can get work done? Screens can be used to divide rooms and provide privacy. Folding tables offer flexibility if you need to stow items after the work day is done. Rethink your spaces in order to fit in a place to work efficiently and effectively.
Get organized: After you set aside space to work within your home, it’s time to get organized. Consider fitting options to help you store files and papers. Do you have room for a file cabinet, or would mobile file storage such as boxes or crates make more sense? How will you organize office supplies like pens, technology and other items? A variety of fun and decorative organization pieces are available that are not only functional but also beautiful.
Bring in natural elements: Office spaces of all sizes are immediately more soothing and stunning when natural elements are added. Consider a small desktop plant, plenty of natural light and a view of the outdoors (if possible) or other beautiful items such as seashells, crystals and rocks to add beauty to your workspace.
Don’t forget photos: While working at home may mean that you are more frequently surrounded by family members than if you are working in an away-from-home office, having photos of family members or special moments is one way to bring joy to a workspace. If your work surface doesn’t allow for a lot of framed photos, consider adding special photos to your phone lock screen, computer desktop or screen saver slide show as an alternate way to add photos to your space.
Illuminate your space: Not all work from home spaces feature natural light, and most work spaces require additional task lighting to illuminate paperwork, nighttime work sessions and dark corners. Depending on the space you have available, you may need a floor lamp, desk lamp, overhead light, wall sconce or combination of light sources to suit your needs. Light sources are not only functional, but can add a touch of class, artistic elements or even bit of whimsy to your work area. A candle, oil diffuser or salt lamp can add additional light as well as relaxing ambience, as well.
Remember comfort: Ergonomics are important to remember when creating work spaces. Consider incorporating a standing desk, supportive and adjustable chair, monitor riser, keyboard tray and footrest to your work area as space allows. When you are more comfortable, you are more productive.
Fashioning a designated work from home space that is both lovely and functional can seem challenging, but with some thoughtful planning and some careful attention to detail, you can create an attractive space to take care of what needs to be done. Discover home office lighting, décor and accessories and a carefully-curated assortment of beautiful and lavish luxury home decor at The Emperor’s Lane, your road to luxury.