We love to celebrate Spring. The weather is beautiful, new flowers and shoots are blooming, and everyone seems to have a lighter step. It’s a good time to refresh.
One thing we like to do as Spring approaches, is to take a good look around us and see what in our lives could use a good sprucing up. First, we look at our furnishings. Are they still in good shape? Do they fill a purpose in our home? Do they bring us joy? Maybe this Chesterfield Diamond Buttoned-Back Triple Sofa from Thomas and George is the centerpiece you need as a brand-new focal point.
Then, we search out clutter. Do we need to add some organizational elements? Do we have extra items lying around going unused? Is there anything we need to add that could make our lives easier and our home more comfortable?
As you take these steps, add a day into your Spring cleaning to walk with us down The Emperor’s Lane. We hand-pick items that bring joy, add a spark, and are truly unique.